Facebook Woman status

We like boys that call us beautiful and truly mean it.
We like boys that write paragraphs back, not one word answers.
A girl`s behavior makes her cute, her face makes her pretty, & her personality makes her beautiful. What makes her stunning? All the above.
Cheating on a good girl is like throwing away a diamond and picking up a rock.
5 lies that girls tell → 1) I`m fine. 2) I`m not jealous. 3) I`m over him. 4) Sure we can be friends. 5) It`s okay.
All guys are jerks. But they get hotter with age, and we learn to be more tolerant.
Every girl has that one deep dark secret she can`t even tell her best friend because if anyone else found out, her entire life would change.
one of the biggest mistake girls always make is falling too hard for a guy.
He`s the type of guy who makes you love you`re name just because he says it ♥
Now matter how strong a girl is, she has a weak point and sometimes all she needs is a hug and someone to tell her it`s alright.

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