Facebook Woman status

My pride is stronger than my feelings. Don`t try to play me. I could think of you 24/7 and you still wouldn`t hear from me.
Every female knows that one annoying boy constantly asking "So when we gone chill?"
when my hair is too long i just want a hair cut after getting a hair cut, i miss having long hair, I can`t understand myself
R.I.P to all those good makeup days no one important saw
when attractive people compliment me on things i get suspicious because remember when regina george complimented that one girl on her skirt
I can barely choose 5 pairs of underwear at Victoria`s Secret, how am I suppose to make real life decisions?
I`m gonna be that wife who dances in the kitchen at 2am wearing my husbands tshirts while baking some cookies or sumthin
the only problem with zac efron is that he isnt dating me
when girls wake up in the morning after sleepovers we don`t even talk to each other for a good 20 minutes we just sit on our phones
Don`t call a girl crazy for a getting jealous, you should be flattered that she cares that much about your dumb ass.

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