Facebook Woman status

You know he really cares when he asks what’s wrong, and when you tell him nothing, he stays there waiting for the real reason.
The problem with us girls/women these days is that we spend too much time not chasing our dreams but chasing boys/men.
That awesome moment when a cute guy smiled at you.
Telling a girl she`s in second place is probably the worst thing you can say to her.
You know it’s going to be a great story when it starts off with: "So this bitch..."
Gentlemen may not be extinct, but they are definitely endangered.
Being single sucks when you know exactly who you want.
I hate when girls act dumb because they think it`s cute.
5 lies that girls tell → 1) I`m fine. 2) I`m not jealous. 3) I`m over him. 4) Sure we can be friends. 5) It`s okay.
It`s amazing what a girl will put up with for the boy she likes.

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