Facebook Woman status

The sweetest things you can do for a girl are the little things that let her know she’s in your heart and on your mind.
Dear boys who are Smart, Hot, Awesome and madly in love with me.. PLEASE START EXISTING.
How can boys be so adorable, and yet so clueless.
Mom: you`re all dressed up, where are you going? Daughter: To the bathroom, I need a new Facebook picture.
LIKE IF : Stalking all the girls he talks to on Facebook, so you can see if they`re prettier than you..
Guy friends, they`re the best! And hilarious, not awkward, fun to hang out with...until you start to like one of them.
Those moments when you just suddenly burst into tears... releasing the pain you`ve held since the past few days
Sometimes, when you imagine a perfect guy, you realize you`ve described a person you`ve known forever
A boy makes YOU jealous of another women, but gentleman makes another women jealous of YOU.
Everyone thinks that girls want a knight in shining armour or someone rich and great body...... but i just want someone who I can love for who they are not what they have <3 <3 <3

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