Facebook Woman status

One day I`m in a cute dress, sunglasses & wedges..the next I`m in a cut up tshirt, a bandana & dirty Vans. I don`t know who I am
Fortune is a woman; if you neglect her today do not expect to regain her tomorrow.
No girl wants to hear about your "other girls"
A woman will be twice bound when her chains feel comfortable.
If a girl randomly tweets `lol` you better believe that psychotic bitch saw something she didn`t like and isn`t really laughing
taking off your makeup and watching yourself go from a 10 to a ........... ... ..... oh wait ..... still a 10
yeah you cute but how fast do you text back?
I`m honestly just afraid of someone losing interest in me after getting so attached to them.
just wanna get rich & tell my mom she can quit her job
me: *posts picture*
guy who stopped texting me: hey
me: well well well look what the selfie dragged in

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