Facebook Woman status

when a girl says go, she`s really hoping you`d prove her wrong and stay
She spends hours and hours fixing her hair, just for the boy who will never care.
Look like a girl, act like a lady, think like a man & work like a boss.
Girls always find things out, they might not say anything right away, but they know.
Girls play hard to get because guys play hard to keep.
A real man never stops showing his girl how much he loves her even after he has her.
One day she`ll start sending you mixed signals, and you`ll get mad because she finally learned how to play your game.
You’re nice to the weird kid once, then BOOM. Stalked for life.
Oh you`re talking to me again? Let me guess, you just broke up with your boyfriend.
Cheating on a good girl is like throwing away a diamond and picking up a rock

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