Facebook Woman status

Seeing boys play with little kids is probably the most attractive thing ever.
All guys should learn from Mario Bros. No matter how far their princess is, they should go after her.
Whenever I date a guy, I think, Is this the man I want my children to spend their weekends with?
when she worries about you, it means she cares. when she stops caring thats when you should be worried .
A girl is `beautiful` not HOT . She isn`t Temperature. .
2 things a girl wants: 1) Lose weight. 2) Eat.
Sorry, I`m busy creating scenarios in my mind that I know will never come true
If you want me, it takes more than a wink, more than a drink and more than you think.
If your girlfriend gets jealous it`s because she`s faithful.
Female. Fe = Iron; Male = Man. Therefore, You`re Iron Man.

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