Facebook Woman status

I hate when people assume you`re on your period when you`re in a bad mood.
Kiss her in the middle of her sentence, girls love that.. ♥
Being faithful isn`t hard if you really care about them.
One Direction: So, how old are you?
Me: How old do you need me to be?(:
Romance movies are the reason why women expect so much out of men.
If you’re not going to tell me something, don’t bring it up.
Some cute guy just winked at me with both eyes at the same time.
I swear guys be runnin around saying, " I Aint Like Most men" And " Not all Men Cheat", But The guys that say that Never ever proved it
A girl should always have two things: a smile and a guy who inspires it.
Nothing makes a girlfriend more insecure than a boyfriend who treats her like everyone else.

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