Facebook Woman status

A man`s biggest mistake is giving another man an opportunity to make his woman smile.
The biggest present comes in the smallest box!
Sometimes all a girl wants is a guy to say "I made plans for us" instead of the usual "we can do whatever you want to do"
Men automaticaly turn `single` when they see the girl they like.
I met someone cute today. But it`s not like anything is gonna happen. Nothing ever happens.
Night before school: I want to look attractive. Morning of school: Nevermind.
Can my hair just grow longer faster? please and thanks.
There are 3 sets of phrases that can instantly make a girl smile: "You are beautiful," "I miss you," and "I love you."
One day you`re going to realize that you did the wrong thing to the right girl.
Oh, so you`re a model? That toilet in the background of all your pictures looks fabulous.

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