Facebook Woman status
Every girl is a freak, it just takes the right person to bring it out.
A woman brought you into this world, so you have no right to disrespect one.
New underwear is probably the most satisfactory purchase a girl can make.
Channing Tatum put your shirt back on .. Said by NO ONE EVER
25% of all men are unstable 25% of all men are unfaithful 20% don't mean what they say.
A real woman moves on and lets karma do her dirty work.
The only guy who deserves you, is the guy who thinks he doesn`t.
If your girlfriend doesn`t like that bitch, then don`t talk to that bitch. Simple
She`s not really a "slow texter" she`s just texting others, so wait your turn.
Wish I was one of those people that made no effort but looked hot when they step out the front door