Facebook Woman status

please don’t flirt with people i secretly like it’s rude and disrespectful
When my hair looks good: 3%: at school. 7%: at home. 90%: when I`m about to shower.
Me: *shaves legs* *sits there for 20 minutes stroking smooth legs*
No I haven`t met Mr. Right yet, but I have met Mr. Fake, Mr. Rude, & Mr. Player.
I’m a girl … Don’t touch my hair, face, phone, or boyfriend.
Be with someone who won’t stay mad at you, who can’t stand not talking to you and who’s afraid of losing you.
Boys who like me: 0
Boys who like my friend: 53484131846971
Guys like you, are the reason they made waterproof mascara
I used to think that life is a fairytale, where princesses meets the prince charming and live happily ever after. I guess I was wrong.
Single girl problems: Spend half an hour picking out cute clothes. Get up an hour early to perfect hair and makeup & he doesn`t notice.

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