Facebook Woman status

wearing an oversized shirt and no pants is probably the most comfortable thing in life.
Sign a fight bout to break out
- When a girl tells her friend, "Girl, hold my earrings"
Only your best friend understands that when you say "I saw my boyfriend today" you are referring to the hot guy that has no clue you exist
Adam Levine
Adam LeFine
Adam BeMine
Adam TakeOffYourClothes
It`s actually impossible for my room to stay clean longer than 24 hours
they should make a petting zoo but with cute boys instead of animals
Every girl can dream of fairy tales and every girl needs at least one to come true.
Every girl knows that one annoying guy constantly asking "So when we gonna chill?"
I want a relationship where you can mess around, and play fight, and tease each other. ♥
"You`re gonna miss me by my hair, you`re gonna miss me everywhere, oh you`re gonna miss me when I`m gone." - Anna Kendrick

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