Facebook Woman status

shopping for clothes would be a lot more fun if i had a thinner body and a fatter wallet
I fell for your personality, your looks are just a bonus.
take me to the mall,
give me $500,
What most girls worry about:
- weight
- hair
- boobs
- looks
- makeup
- him
- clothes
- why he didn`t text back
- food
When you text a girl:
1) Don`t take 3 hours to reply.
2) Be nice to her.
3) Ask Questions.
4) Always use a smiley face.
my voice is girly when I talk to strangers but when I’m with friends I turn into morgan freeman
I think it`s so cute when guys put the girl they`re dating as their Woman Crush Wednesday
when a guy wears that one cologne where all you want to do is bury your face in their chest and sniff because they smell that damn good
Holding her hand in public, is just another way of saying you`re proud to have her.
I`m the kinda girl that goes to a late movie in the middle of the week. I`m crazy.

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