Facebook Woman status

When boys play with your hair.
Girls like it when you:
1. Spoil them
2. Call them beautiful♥
3. Show you care not just say it
4. Give them a hoodie that smells like you♥
Periods are ridiculous. Females shouldn`t be punished for not being pregnant.
I hate guys who think they can get any girl..
If you appreciate her
Cuddling for at least 5 minutes after waking up can drastically change a woman`s outlook & enhance her mood for an entire day.
When depressed, women tend to sleep on or sleep with multiple pillows.
instead of getting their period girls should just get to sleep for 5 days straight every month everyone wins.
She didn`t tweet those song lyrics for no reason. There`s ALWAYS a reason.
Messy buns are harder to do than you think.

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