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can boys like stop having skinner legs than me?
Sparkly nail polish is so deceiving. It looks pretty when it`s on but dear god you basically need sandpaper to remove it.
Me at Victoria`s Secret:
"LOOK it sparkles!"
"Too expensive"
"But its on SALE"
"Omg smell this"
"I love this color"
"Can I buy everything?"
If wearing leggings as pants is wrong, I don`t want to be right.
“can I play with your hair?” is basically a marriage proposal GOD YES YOU CAN PLAY WITH MY HAIR
Zac Efron and Dave Franco being in a movie together is the best thing to happen to this world.
I think when guys send paragraphs to a girl when they know she`s sleeping is adorable.
I think it`s super adorable when guys get protective
no girl wants to hear about your "other girls".
A boy`s sleepy voice is seriously the sexiest thing ever.

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