Facebook Woman status

I’m the kind of girl that would eat Doritos on her wedding day and accidentally wipe her hands on her dress.
do boys have feelings, emotions, thoughts, hearts, etc??
do you ever just realize you’re almost an adult and you have no money
Do you ever just want to pack up and leave out of the blue without saying anything to anyone like just leave and start a new life
If school hasn`t made you consider being a stripper once or twice, you`re a liar.
In order to avoid unnecessary drama, most women prefer to have friendships with more males rather than female.
My hair may be in a messy bun , but it took me about a billion tries to get it this way.
*sees a pic of a skinny person*
*inspired for 11 seconds*
tall boys with dark hair and shy smiles who smell good and have great tastes in music are very important
if you can’t beat them, dress better than them

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