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If Britney Spears can make it through 2007, then I can make it through the rest of this semester
Text her first, you`re the guy.
Don`t text me 24/7, don`t tell me cute things, don`t get my hopes up and don`t make me fall if you`re not going to love me back.
boys just piss me off so much on a daily basis then the next day I`m just like I love boys again and then they piss me off again its a cycle
can my victoria secret swimsuit come with a victoria secret body as well
*Standing on a high balcony*
Normal person: What a breathtaking view!
Me: I could totally snipe that guy from here.
Why are people from other schools so hot? -_ -
When girls cry about one thing, they end up crying about everything that`s wrong.
No matter how strong a girl is, she has a weak point. And sometimes, all she needs is a hug.
The most difficult girls, are usually worth it.

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