Facebook Woman status

"i like a girl with no makeup" yeah well i like a boy with no opinions so i guess we’re both disappointed
hearing a guy talk about how crazy he is for a girl is probably one of my favorite things ever
A huge part of being a Feminist is giving other women the freedom to make choices you might not necessarily make yourself.
When a girl gives up, it`s not because she doesn`t love you, but because she`s tired of getting hurt.
I wish I didn`t have the urge to shop every single minute of my life
us girls, LOVE to hear every single word of why you like us, no matter how many times you`ve told us, we love to hear it over & over
Wear a smile, it goes with everything
ok puberty, jokes over, you can make me hot now
LIKE IF a perfect night is shaving, putting on lace panties and a big t shirt, crawling into bed with fresh sheets, netflix and ben and jerry`s
boys with long fingernails scare me

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