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You don`t always have to kiss a lot of frogs to recognize a Prince when you find one.
I like when boys text you first and say "Good morning"
Every girl needs someone to make her laugh, even if she thinks she will never smile again
Women need a reason to cheat, men just need another women...
Dear hair, if you just cooperated in the first place we wouldn`t have to do this the hard way. sincerely, girl with a flat iron
If a guy really loves a girl, the one and only thing he wanna change is her Last Name.
You are the boy, and I am the girl. You text me first or we`re not going to talk today.
Dear boy, our small and silly conversation means more to me than you`ll ever know.
When you can`t appreciate a woman when she is doing her best for you, then do not expect her to be there in your time of need.
Behind my smile is a hurting heart. Behind my laughs I’m falling apart. Look at me closely and you will see: The girl I am just isn’t me.