Facebook Man facebook status
Honey, do you have anything you`d like to say before football season starts?
Beauty is in the eye of the beer holder
This is a very sad story. Boy: "make me a sandwich." Girl: "no". LIKE if you cried.
"How can you tell if a girls on her period?" "How can you not tell?!"
Girls better start looking for guys with a good education because I`m pretty sure "swag" isn`t going to pay the bills.
"Are you jealous?" - "Nope" - "Are you jealous?" - "I said NO!" - "Okay, give me a kiss?" - "Go ask your `friend` for a kiss"
A real girlfriend doesn`t complain while her boyfriend is on his Xbox. She sits there and yells, "Kill that bitch!!
I just Googled "what do women REALLY want?" So bad, My computer crashed :`(
If girls were as nice to each other in real life as they are in Facebook comments, think how different the world would be .
Don`t allow your girl to go to sleep mad at you, fix that shit!