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A quiet man, is a thinking man. A quiet woman, is usually mad
That awkward moment when you get a little too emotional while watching The Blind Side.
Newton`s Third Law of Emotion: For every male action, there is a female overreaction.
Here`s a list of 50 things women can`t do. My favorite is the last one.Hahaha

1. know anything about a car except its colour
2. understand a film plot
3. go 24 hrs without sending a text message
4. lift
5. throw
6. run
7. Parallel park
8. fart
9. read a map
10. rob a bank
11. Drive
12. sit still
13. tell a joke
14. play pool
15. pay for dinner
16. eat a kebab whilst walking
17. pee out of a train window
18. argue without shouting
19. get told off without crying
20. work the remote
21. walk past a shoe shop
22. make a decent sandwich
23. not comment on a strangers clothes
24. use small amounts of toilet paper
25. let u sleep with a hangover
26. drink a beer gracefully
27. get a round in
28. throw a punch
29. do magic
30. like ur friends
31. enjoy porn
32. eat a really hot curry
33. get to the point
34. buy plain envelopes
35. take less than 20mins in the toilet
36. sit in a room for 5mins without complaining about something
37. go shopping without phoning 20 friends
38. avoid credit card debt,or any other debt for that matter
39. dive into a pool
40. assemble furniture
41. roll a bogey between ur finger and thumb
42. Connect the Dvd or music centre up
43. not try and change u
44. watch a war film
45. understand why flirting results in violence
46. spend a day by themselves
47. go to the toilet by themselves
48. buy a purse that fits in their pocket
49. choose a video quickly
50. get this far without having argued with at least 70% of the above.
Fellas: Ask her how her day was. If it was bad, cheer her up. If it was good, make it even better
All single ladies, stop saying you should just give up and get a cat.If no man wants you, don’t force an innocent cat to live with you...
Shout out to the girls who friendzone all the good guys and date all the assholes then complain about being treated like shit.
It`s literally impossible for a man to walk by a pull-up bar without attempting to do one and saying "I`m so outta shape bro."
A woman who has no idea how hot she is, is so hot.
How to get friendzoned : 1. Be nice. 2. The end.

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