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Sometimes I miss being in a relationship, but then I look at my wallet and I feel alright again.
All single ladies, stop saying you should just give up and get a cat.If no man wants you, don’t force an innocent cat to live with you...
at least miley is getting paid to act ratchet, the rest of you do it for free.
If you invite a girl over to "watch a movie" and all you do is actually watch a movie, you fail as a guy.
Why do girls with boyfriends flirt way more than single girls?
when a girl changes in front of you
(a) she likes you
(b) your level 99 friend zone
(c) she`s pretty sure your gay
Never call a girl fat. Even if you`re joking. cause once you`ve said that, she will remember it for the rest of her life.
How to get a woman mad in 2 easy steps:
1. Take a picture of her.
2. Don`t show it to her.
The best way to change a woman’s mind is to agree with her.
#thingsguysdontsay i bet she has a great personality.

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