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Never chase women. Chase your dreams and women will follow.
That look you give your friends when a hot girl walks in the room.
Every Girl Is Beautiful, Sometimes It Just Takes The Right Amount Of Alcohol To See It..
I want a relationship where we can be boring as hell around each other and still be completely okay with that.
Please stop looking so attractive, I`m trying to stop liking you...
The prettiest girls have an "A" in their name.
I am done trying to understand women. Women understand women and they hate each other.
I`VE GOT THE MOOOVES LIKE JAGGER!....LOL jk, I dance like a retarded penguin.
Guys not that good of texters. If we seem like we are, then we like you. We don`t just text to text.
I don`t have a type. If I like you, I like you.

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