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"I`m gonna wear this shirt that shows 3/4 of my boobs. Then I`m gonna call YOU a pervert for looking" - Girl logic
If your girl don`t get on your nerves then that ain`t your girl.
If she doesn`t text you when she`s drunk, you`re not the one.
Just because it`s called make-up... doesn`t mean it`s supposed to makeup 99% of your face.
Never trust a bitch that take hours to text you back but when you with them they always got they phone in their hand texting.
Dear Girls, Please bring your own jacket, we get cold too. Sincerely, Boyfriends.
ex`s be like: "remember when we used to?" NOPE I remember when you couldn`t be faithful that`s what I remember.. do you remember?
1 - Find a group photo of 4 girls.
2 - Comment, "You 3 look awesome!"
3 - And wait...
I know I’m pretty damn great, but I’ve never been this close to perfection.
Women have to deal with periods and pregnancy. Men have to deal with women. It`s all about balance.

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