Facebook Man facebook status

As a bro, you can not talk to your bros ex.
If hunger is an emotion then all men are over-emotional.
She posted on Facebook: "All men are dogs!"
I commented: "Which breed is your father?" .

Did I ask the wrong question?
You can measure a person`s intelligence by the number of times they get back with their ex.
Ladies: If a man does all the things from your favorite movies. It is your responsibility to do all the things from his favorite movies ;)
don’t start an argument with a girl because they all have 45030194 GB memories and will bring up something you did at 14:27PM on 23/04/2008
Females Are Never Wrong According To Them.
Like if you`ll never date a girl taller than you
Chicks will wear the same leggings to the club that they wore to the gym 4 hours earlier.
There`s nothing cute or attractive about a girl always being mixed up in drama

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