Facebook Food statuses

LIKE if: I get annoyed when people take ages to order food while i`m in line.
I wish I could google "things to eat in my fridge" so I wouldnt have to go downstairs and be disappointed.
We`ve ALL hidden our favorite food from the rest of our family.
We all have that skinny friend who eats more than a elephant.
The first time I had a Mcflurry, I thought the spoon was a straw too.
I will not be impressed with technology until I can download food from the internet.
I`m tired of this long distance relationship. Fridge, you`re coming to my room.
I eat chilies.
I become a dragon!!
5 hours later
I become a jetpack!
*Ordering food with mom* Me: I want a number 1 with a soda. Mom: We have soda at home. Me: IT`S NOT THE SAME !
Dad: Hey son Come here! Me:ZZZZZZZ. Dad: I have pie.. Apple Pie.. Me: Where is the pie?! Dad: Really?O_o

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