Facebook Food statuses

"There`s DIE in DIET"
Dear "cool people", They didn`t name a candy after you, did they? Sincerely, Nerds.
Why I try samples at stores: 5% I’m thinking of buying the product 95% I want free food.
Currently don`t know any vegetable jokes so if YOU know one ...lettuce know!
When your stomach decides to start talking as soon as the room gets quite -_________-
My microwave is awesome at heating up my plate and leaving my food frozen.
I have a disorder where i stay up all night and eat....its called insom-nom-nom-nia
"From now on, I`m eating healthy" *five minutes later* Lol jk. I`ll start tomorrow.
That painful moment when the roof of your mouth gets stabbed by a Dorito.
LIKE IF:When I`m hungry, I whine about how hungry I am.

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