Facebook Food statuses

Stomach: Oh your taking a test in class and its dead silent? Here let me play the song of my people.
Dear food commercials, Nobody eats in slow motion with their eyes closed. Sincerely, normal people.
Why I try samples at stores: 5% I’m thinking of buying the product 95% I want free food.
People who share their food with me have a special place in my heart.
3 words, 8 letters... say it and I`m yours... "I got food.".
If there`s ice cream trucks in the summer then why isn`t there Starbucks trucks in the winter?
Being such a good cook that even the fire alarm cheers you on.
Me opening the fridge: "Baby you light up my world like nobody else.".
Sometimes happiness can be found in that slice of pizza that has extra cheese.
The most romantic thing you can ever do for me is buy me food.

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