Facebook Food statuses

The worse thing I`ve been told after the dentist: "You can`t eat for 30 Minutes"
Four words that I never want to hear: There is no food.
Dear McDonalds, why are all the people in your commercials thin? o__O
I hate when my skinny friends never mention having lunch.
I don’t have time for people who think they’re too good for McDonalds
True love lasts a lifetime? Explain my empty bowl of ice cream.
If I was an astronaut,I`d probably spend all my time trying to figure out how to get the Sun to cook that giant onion ring around Saturn.
Whenever i see a bruised apple at the market, i give it a soft hug and whisper, "who did this to you?"
I`m not sure if I`m hungry but I`m gonna eat anyway just in case.
Me opening the fridge: "Baby you light up my world like nobody else."

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