Facebook Food statuses

am i the only one that yells “NO” when i drop my food
Chocolate comes from cocoa, which is a tree. That makes it a plant. Chocolate is salad.
Tip of the day: When eating a taco hold it over a another tortilla so when the stuff falls out...boom extra taco
I`m as bored as a fat kid with a plate of carrots.
Am I the only one who thinks the Pringles guy and Monopoly guy are related?
If stress burned calories, I`d be a supermodel..
No matter how many gross facts you tell me about McDonald’s I’m still gonna eat it
I wanna be skinny but I also want to have pizza for breakfast lunch and dinner, you feel me?
I enjoy long romantic walks to the fridge.
Chocolate contains over 300 mineral properties that are beneficial to your health.

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