Facebook Food statuses

LIKE IF: before I leave a restaurant, I always take one last big gulp of my drink
I wish I was a cat because the fatter you are the more people like you
it doesn`t matter if the glass is half full or half empty all that matters is if the glass contains vodka
When you eat your food slowly it causes better digestion, reduce stress, helps you lose weight, and enjoy your food!
The awkward moment when you finish eating and realize that you were also feeding your clothes.
I`m pretty sure owning a frozen yogurt machine would solve 100% of my problems
That moment when you open a fridge and it doesn`t smile (-:, press like if u get it.
Do you ever start eating something and think “man i don’t even want this” but then you just keep eating it?
If only mosquitoes sucked fat instead of blood.
open fridge, nothing. freezer? nothing. might as well try the fridge again

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