Facebook Food statuses

Rice or pasta will taste much better if you sprinkle some water on top before reheating in the microwave.
The first person to make popcorn must have been seriously freaking out.
I’m drunk at the end of every year and drunk at the beginning of ever year.
People who cook at home try to make their food taste like a professional made it, while restaurant chefs try to make food taste homemade.
Thousands of years ago vegetarians were just “bad hunters”
Eating strawberries helps to improve vision and can reduce cancer risk.
This girl came up to me today and said she recognized me from the vegetarian club. I was confused, I`d never met herbivore.
alcohol is not the answer.

alcohol is the question, yes is the answer
No candy • No cakes • No chips • No white bread • No fast food • No chocolate • No ice cream. LIKE this & do it for 21 days = Results
how am i supposed to lose weight when the best part about life is food

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