Facebook Tech statuses

Nearly 40% of the Internet is Pornography " Are you telling me I`ve never seen 60% of the Internet?"
Running low on battery? Put your phone on Airplane mode and it`ll charge much faster!
Accidentally erase something you just typed on your iPhone? To undo that, just shake it!
Remember when people had diaries & got mad when someone read them? Now they put everything online and get mad when people don’t.
It was so much easier to go to sleep when we didn`t have smartphones.
Accidentally typing what you just heard.
To move frame by frame on Youtube, pause the video and then use J or L to go backward or forward respectively.
every single day my mom tries zooming in on instagram......every......single......day......
my computer and phone are at the same battery level (this is a sign)
iCloud fucking scares me, where does that shit GO

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