Facebook Tech statuses

Don`t treat someone like an iphone if they treat you like a blackberry.
#IfTheyShutDownTwitter I will go to sleep on time,i will complete my homework in time and it will save my phone battery too.
Dear Parents, You cannot zoom in on Instagram Sincerely, Your Children.
if i google a question i dont want some fancy article i just want a yahoo answers reply
*snapchats and texts the same person at the same time* But it’s two completely different conversations

me: *deletes everything off my iphone*
iphone: your storage is almost full
My greatest fear is sitting in front of thousands of people while my Google search history is being read aloud.
Officer: ma`am, are you aware how fast you were going? "Well my snapchat selfie says 65 mph..." Officer: omg add me
Church: Follow Jesus. Me: Does he follow back? Church: ... Me: .... Church: ... Me: Shoutout for shoutout ??
lol remember when people used to put signatures in their texts and it would be like: "hey what`s up" <*-I love dogs-*>

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