Facebook Tech statuses

iMac. iPod. iPhone. iPad. iMissSteve.
That awkward moment when you type your password into the username section and have to hope that no one saw it.
"This video is not available in your country." "Where the hell am I? Narnia?!"
My phone doesn`t have enough battery left to take any pictures, but it has enough battery to keep telling me that it`s low.
in every girls life is a boy that she will never ever forget.♥..
Unless your name is GOOGLE...stop acting like you KNOW EVERYTHING...
Hours on the computers feels like minutes. Minutes studying feels like HOURS.
My name isn`t "Dictionary". Therefore, I cannot be defined. ♥
Saving a photo as jkjksghjhgjfkhgk because you`re too lazy to write a proper title.
Friend: "What if there was no google?" Me: "I don`t know, google it."

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