Facebook Tech statuses

that awkward moment when your on youtube and you get to something completely different from what you were watching it the first place
The moment when you click an interesting looking video on youtube but it’s only a picture -_-
"Page not found.." Well, go find it..
☑Twitter ☑ Tumblr ☑ Facebook ☑ Youtube ☐ hom`EW`ork.
Shutting the computer off and realizing you need it again.
All i want for christmas is you..LOL jk get me a new laptop.
I hate when I have to confirm my email address to sign up for something
[Click Here] and LIKE if you actually clicked it.
Seriously, it`s 2011. Can we please get some waterproof phones? I would like to text in the shower.
if i Hungry i Eat, if i Thirsty i Drink, if i Sleepy i Sleep, if i Boring i Tweet.

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