Facebook Tech statuses

Twitter: the only place where you get excited when stranger follows you...
I`ve thought long and hard, and have decided on my New Year`s resolution. 1024x768.
Best feeling is to have someone understand you from the first letter .. I Love You Google
I don`t need a stable relationship, all I need is a stable internet connection.
Internet: Because the best cure for boredom is telling the world how bored you are.
Spending a long time writing a really long message then accidentaly pressing the back button..
YouTube: `This video is not available in your country`. Where the hell am I from? Narnia?
If you dont say it in the streets dont say it in your tweets
When you have 10 tabs open & you can`t figure out which one the music is coming from..
Dear Websites asking for my age, I`m going to select born in 2011. Sincerely, Nice option.

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