Facebook Tech statuses

(You watching video by yourself) You: HAHAHAHAAAAA! (You showing friend video) You: Hang on, it gets better.
Before the Internet and Google what did people do when they had a really stupid question?
Life is just like Twitter, you just have to TWEET what you feel, RETWEET the good memories, DELETE the drama and FOLLOW your dreams.
You never know a person until you walk in their shoes, or until you check their browser history.
Just renamed my iPhone "The Titanic" so when I plug it in my computer, it says "The Titanic is syncing".
That moment of epic sadness when you shut down the computer and then you realize that you need it again.
Hope there`s never a computer virus that sends all your Google searches to your parents.
Dont think you`re a pro photographer just because you use Instagram..
Mom (on computer) : Do I click this? You: No! What are you doing? Just give me the computer, i`ll do it.
Sleep is for the people without access to Internet.

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