Facebook Tech statuses

LIKE IF When I was little I only went on the computers for paint..
I hate April Fools Day. – Especially on the internet. I never know what to believe and I’m extremely gullible.
FAKE FRIENDS laugh behind your back, REAL FRIENDS put you on YouTube… and THEN laugh at you.
Skype Conversations: 5% Hey, how are you? 95% CAN YOU HEAR ME?!?!
We all have that embarassing email address that we made when we were 12
No one comes with a clear history button. So you have to accept their past
"K" = the most powerful way to piss someone off while texting.
Mom (on computer): do i click this? You: No! What are you doing? just give me the computer, i`ll do it.
I always restart the game whenever I know I`m going to lose.
Twitter looks so boring on the outside; but once you start using it, its like Narnia!

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