Facebook Tech statuses

Instead of saying LOL, I`m gonna say SALTS (Smiled A Little Then Stopped) It`s more truthful (:
I hate reading my old IM conversations because I sounded really stupid.
I love how paper is warm when it comes out of the printer.
"What doesn’t kill you makes you smaller." - Mario
"Lollipop" is the longest word you can type with your right hand; and "stewardess" is the longest for the left hand.
Mom: Why are you still up? Me: Because Twitter never sleeps! Duh!
When you think you`ve only been online for 10 minutes, you look outside and realize it`s dark.
You`re a 90`s kid if you`ve ever heard someone say, "Get off the phone, I need to use the internet."
LIKE if you have tried to guess a Wi-Fi `s password.
He broke her heart. She broke his X-Box. I think we all know who cried harder.

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