Facebook Tech statuses
LIKE if you prefer Apple over Android.
Mario is red, Sonic is blue, Why don`t you hit select and be my player two?
iPhone 5. iTouch 5. iWant. iHaveNoMoney. iCry :`(
Internet Explorer: The best browser for downloading another browser.
When your parents start typing www, and you have a little heart attack :O
"Be strong." I whispered to my wifi signal.
Twitter is 1) A distraction. 2) A tracking device. 3) Where drama lives. 4) Everybody`s diary.
Twitter makes you improve your writing. The 140 character limit forces you to master the art of getting to the point.
The robot that `NASA` sent to Mars has 14 years of battery.. ..they should build smartphones.
Your cellphone has more computing power than all of NASA did in 1969. They launched a man to the moon... We launch birds at pigs.