Facebook Tech statuses
Takes picture, *delete* Takes picture, *delete* Takes picture...YESSS finally! The perfect one!
Dear Low battery, Meet your worst nightmare. Sincerely, Charger.
Turn ons: Free shipping.
why is it I barely have signal in my house but the f**king Taliban can upload videos from a cave in Afghanistan??
Twitter: The only place where you get excited when strangers follow you.
Did you Know ?
People generally read 25% slower from a computer screen compared to paper.
An iPhone with the durability of a Nokia brick please
If your boyfriend answers your text while playing Call of Duty, he doesn`t love you. He just died on the game.
My mind says homework but my heart says INTERNET.
I`m a bi-polar tweeter. One day I`ll tweet a lot, the next day I`ll barely tweet at all.