Facebook Tech statuses

Twitter is my friend, Youtube is my voice, and Google is my brain.
Who remembers going on the computer just to go on paint and space pinball? Like if you used to do that!
In a way, I feel sorry for the children of our generation. They`ll have parents who know how to check browsing history.
I`ve been using Google for like 12 years and I have no idea what the "I`m Feeling Lucky" button is for.
*waking up from a coma* “how many followers do I have”
What iPhones
Oh your Twitter account is protected? What do you tweet? Nuclear launch codes?
Tweet like nobody`s following or reading or judging.
I spend more time looking for a movie on Netflix than actually watching one.
“HeY dUdE wHaTs uP?!” Bitch, is your caps lock having a seizure?

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