Facebook Tech statuses

"going to bed" means switching from my computer to my phone and spending another hour mobile tweeting in the dark.
Nothing`s worse than going on a trip and forgetting my..... CHARGER.
Dear iPhone, I have typed "hahaha" like a million times, yet you continually give me "hagaha", "bahaha", "gagaha" ...I hate you.
We are the WTF generation:
W - Wikipedia
T - Twitter
F - Facebook
For a fun prank Twitter should switch the status box with the search box so people are constantly posting updates of who they`re stalking.
Ads I can handle. Buffering I can handle. But ads that buffer? That`s just cruel. Kill me in the head!
1% battery left and you run like a ninja to get your charger.
Who remembers going on the computer just to go on paint and space pinball?
In about 20 years, the hardest thing our kids will have to do is find a username that isn’t taken.
I always restart a game when I know I`m going to lose.

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