Facebook Tech statuses

Why are all social networking sites blue? Because it’s the color of the sky and we never go out to see it.
Twitter is the one place where you go to say all of the random thoughts in your head and see if everybody else is as weird as you.
Someone: can I use your computer for a second Me: what do you need I`ll look it up for you
true friendship is skyping but not talking to each other the entire time
if i google a question i dont want some fancy article i just want a yahoo answers reply
My texting speed varies from embarrassingly fast to 2 business days later.
*gets close to flappy bird high score*

*eyes start to water*
*body starts to itch*
*grip on your phone suddenly becomes uncomfortable*
"I love One Direction"

Well I love McDonalds but you don`t see me making an account pretending to be a chicken nugget, do you?
what if someone printed out your tweets and threw them around the school like in mean girls
Swipe left or right on the iPhone calculator to delete the last digit. This way, you won`t have to start all over.

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