Facebook Tech statuses

Do you ever wonder if anyone ever reads your Twitter everyday just to check up on you?
do you ever just know you typed your pasword wrong but you still press the login button
deleting pictures on my phone is like deleting a memory and I just can`t handle that sort of thing
I`ve been using Google for 10 years and I have no idea what the "I`m Feeling Lucky" button is for.
I hate when I fall asleep and I forget to charge my phone.
Me in the Hunger Games: What`s the wifi code for this arena?
That heart attack you get when your parents are using your phone and you start hoping they don`t look through your text messages.
Snapchat is all fun and games until someone decides to take a screenshot and ruin your life
just imagine what would happen if the internet suddenly stopped working all over the world
that one password you use for everything and if anyone ever found it out they could probably single-handedly ruin your life

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