Facebook Tech statuses

That heartbreaking moment when your charger starts getting double chins
Twitter makes me forget I have text messages.
You don’t know true heartbreak until one side of your headphones randomly quit working.
You don`t know the struggle if you haven`t had to hold your charger in a certain way to make it work.
I`ll summon the end of days. I`ll burn the earth. I WILL BRING ABOUT THE APOCALYPSE! Oh never mind, the wifi`s back on.
That annoying moment when you accidentally close the wrong tab.
TEXTATIONSHIP: a person that texts you all the time but never makes an effort to see you
Me in the Hunger Games: What`s the wifi code for this arena?
Dear Microsoft word, I`m pretty sure I spelled my name correctly.
That disappointing feeling you get when you unlock the black guy in temple run and realize he`s not any faster.

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