Facebook Tech statuses

Press F2 to immediately rename a file, no more slow double clicks. (Press Enter/Return on Mac)
Android users: after purchasing an app from Google Play, you can try it out for 15 minutes and "return" it for a refund.
Ask Siri, "is this the Krusty Krab?"
Confusing Wikipedia article? Click "Simple English" on the left list of languages and it`ll whisk you to a simplified version.
Definition: #tweeting ya feelings over twitter which nobody gives a fuck about.
When I die, I`m going to have "free WiFi" written on my tombstone, that way more people will visit.
Make an autocorrect shortcut on your iPhone/iPad to easily enter your email address.
when u send someone a cute selfie on snapchat but u forget to save it
Turning off the flash on your cell phone camera can extend your battery life even if the camera app is off.
Try this! On the iPhone, go to Settings>General>Accessibility>Invert Colors.

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