Facebook Facebook related statuses

Reading someone`s status and thinking `oh shut the hell up`
small honest opinions in chat :)
That one day of fame on Facebook when it is your birthday.
Nothing changes a Facebook relationship status faster than a weekend full of tagged photos!
Oh, you like all of your own statuses? Do you give yourself high fives too?
Facebook is all about
You sent Friendship Request ....
I Accepted
We Talked
We Liked
We Poked
We Commented We Dated
We Committed
I Loved
You Cheated
I Deleted ...
It`s adorable when sleep tries to compete with Facebook.
My Facebook addiction has gotten to the point where I look for the `LIKE` button on all my e-mails.
There`s a special place in Hell reserved for people who use hashtags on their Facebook statuses.
Roses are red, Facebook is blue, No mutual friends, I`m not adding you.

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