Facebook Facebook related statuses

Facebook is like Jail, you sit around and waste time, You write on walls, play useless games and you get poked by weird people...
People liking my status from a week ago on Facebook proves that I have stalkers.
Looking at people`s mutual friends and saying "OMG HOW DO YOU KNOW THEM"
lkie fi yuo cna raed tihs whit no porlbem yuo`er jsut htat smrat.
☠ ☠ ☠ Pirates hijacked my Facebook status! ☠ ☠ ☠
When Facebook starts showing how many times you have visited someone`s profile, we`re all screwed.
I’m starting a story. Each person who comments - add the next sentence in the story! Here’s the first sentence: “It was a monday morning at school…”
Fun Status Game!! reach for the nearest book and comment on this status with the second line of the second paragraph on page 20.
Copy this onto your status and see what people rate you! (1) ghetto (2) wish we went out (3) talkative (4) sarcastic (5) loveable (6) crazy (7) i want you (8) spoilt (9) great parent (10) wild (11) funny (12) beautiful (13) mature (14) ugly (15) I’d take you home ;) (16) wish I had ur number (17) wierd (18) honest (19) freak (20)sexy
Comment me a color! BLACK -i hαte you. PINK -i fαncy you. PURPLE -i would dαte you. BLUE -i did love you. RED -i do love you. SILVER -we αre close. GOLD -i like you. GREEN -i will αlwαys love you. ORANGE -i think you’re sexy. YELLOW -you’re my best friend. BROWN -you’re funny. Put this αs your stαtus and see whαt colours you get!

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